TakTek connects you with nearby technicians for urgent needs like HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Locksmiths, Roofing, and more. All technicians are verified and just one call away!
See available technicians nearby with arrival times.
After you order, view the map and track the technician in real time as they drive to you.
Check ratings, photos, and company info before calling.
Call directly through the app using WebRTC VoIP—no spam or robo-calls.
Know who’s coming, when, and what to expect.
No fees for using the app to find and call technicians.
Once the job is done, leave a review. All reviews are from real paying customers and can’t be purchased.
$150/year membership and only $10 per call
Charged after every 10 calls or 1 week.
All customers are verified subscribers—no junk leads.
Focus on serving customers, not chasing payments.
Technicians can rate customers and leave feedback, building trust and accountability.
Once a customer agrees to meet, technicians can use the app to navigate directly to the job site.
Skip the hassle of SEO, PPC, and marketing agencies. TakTek delivers ready-to-go leads.
Open the app and choose the service you need.
View available technicians, arrival times, ratings, and company info.
Tap to call directly — no waiting, no hassle. Track the technician in real time as they drive to you.
Use the app to find and call
technicians without any cost
Covers setup and profile
Charged after 10 calls or 1 week
All technicians are verified with ratings and profiles you can review
Customers use the app completely free. Service providers are harge $150/year amd $10 after every 10 calls or 1 week
Yes the app shows estiamted arrival times and allows you to see the technician driving toward you in real time
Yes! All reviews are from real paying customers and cannot be purchased.
Absolutely! Technicians can leave ratings and feedback for customers too, creating trust on both sides.